Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today is my lazy day, but I decided to write a post from the comfort of my bed, while still in pajamas. I've relaxed so much today, it's been awesome! I've not brushed my teeth, I've not done much of anything, except I did eat a frozen pizza for lunch, well I cooked it first duh!
I'll be having a baby shower back in my hometown in a few months and it's exciting yet stressful. While most people go the traditional route of registering for gifts somewhere and compiling a list of everything they'll need before the baby comes we've decided not to do this. Is it because I'm trying to be a complete B***H just because I'm pregnant? Is it because I want to try to be difficult? Is it because I want to try to go against the grain? NO! It's because registries are stressful! Not only are they time consuming, the way my mind works when I see an item to register for I have to spend time comparing every other similar item and brand and make sure I'm getting the best one. I will literally stay awake at night thinking to myself, did I register for the right item? Is this realllllly the best bottle warmer? Etc. And for me that's a waste of time!
Also, I think that while everyone has their idea of what worked for them it may not work for me and my family. Just because you breastfed doesnt mean I'll be able to, just because you used a rocking chair doesn't mean I will, just because you used a special drying rack for bottles doesn't mean I will, just because you love a Moby Wrap doesn't mean I will, just because you love a Baby Bjorn carrier doesn't mean I will, I could go on and on! So what my husband and I feel like will work for us is doing away with the registry all together! We didn't do one for our wedding and we managed, and we think we'll be fine without one for the baby! We have no idea what the baby will and won't like, heck as bad as this sounds, we may not even ever get to meet our baby! Hey if my baby dies before I get to meet it, are you going to help me return all of those shower gifts? Didn't think so!
So, here's what's going to work for us...not registering, but instead telling people they can bring giftcards or gently used baby items they already have. We love this idea! We live near Target and since I'll be traveling back to our home after the shower, not having to lug a bunch of items will be extremely helpful for us. Also, we have a feeling we'll be given lots of items (like we already have) so we just figure once I return home we can go shopping and get the absolute necessities together. While some people think we're crazy OH WELL!
We've really been so blessed this entire pregnancy and we just want to rejoice in the fact that we're having a baby...everything else will fall into place. We really want our shower to be about laughter and happiness over the fact that we're having a baby!
While I know this may not work for everyone, I just want any other pregnant women out there to know...stick to your guns, just because everyone else is telling you you've got to do something you don't! Do what feels right for your family, and what works for your family!
PS I am really looking forward to playing the poopy diaper game with candy at the shower though ; )

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