Any of you pregnant ladies out there worried about romping between the sheets while you're preggers? Well we were. Oh no I thought to myself...nine months (potentially longer, depending on how I felt after giving birth) of blowjobs and handjobs? (Ewwww!)
There must be a better way!
Despite hours of reading and research I could find nothing other than yes it's okay to have sex while pregnant. Okay but what exactly does that entail? If my husband "goes" inside me can I still get pregnant again? Or should we resort to "going" on my giant belly? Or in a towel? What to do? For the first few weeks we resorted to doing nothing. Abstaining from all sexual activity. Which was actually extremely hard for us, considering we're newlyweds and hadn't been knocking boots before marriage.
Here's the lowdown on the plug. It's a wad of mucus that plugs up the cervix during pregnancy. I like to think of it as a little cork, like in a wine bottle...hmm maybe that's just because I like wine. But duhhhhh I'm not drinking it now because I'm pregnant, so I'll just keep dreaming about it! Okay back to the mucus plug! This little cork protects you and the baby during pregnancy...nothing can go in or out. Apparently the plug looks like a big booger (awesome, because I love boogers!), so when you lose it be on the lookout for a big booger coming outta your hoo-haa! When you lose your mucus plug this is called the bloody show. Doesn't that sound so disgusting and repulsive. And now ladies and gentlemen, let's tune it for the BLOODY SHOW! Yuck! So to save my stomach from puking this morning I'm going to call it popping the cork! When your cork pops, the plug will come out followed by more mucus. When this happens your cervix is softening and you're beginning to dilate and soon it'll be time for the BABY SHOW!
But don't get too excited...apparently once the cork pops it can still take hours, days, even a few weeks for that little rascal to make his way into this world.
Anyways, although this mucus plug sounds yucky, after learning about this, my husband and I are free to knock boots any which way we'd like! And you should too!
Feel free to tell me your cork popping experience!
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